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Content Type: Resource

Pengadaan Tanah untuk Kepentingan Umum bertujuan
menyediakan tanah bagi pelaksanaan pembangunan
guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran
bangsa, negara, dan masyarakat...

Content Type: Resource

Landsan dan tujuan: Pembangunan rumah susun berlandaskan pada asas kesejahteraan umur keadilan dan pemerataan, serta keserasian dan keseimbangan dalam perikehidupan.

Content Type: Resource

The Policy seeks to offer a general description of the problem of IDP's and identify its dimensions and scale in Iraqi society. The National Policy also identifies the basic goals and means...

Content Type: Resource

Lois sur l'emploi en République Centrafricaine.

Content Type: Resource

O Programa do Governo 2010-2014 resulta da experiência acumulada de implementação dos programas anteriores, centrando a acção governativa no combate à pobreza para a melhoria das condições de vida...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Zimbabwe

It examines the political, economic and legal issues of land and tenure reforms, and highlights the importance of developing and consolidating a solid and flexible legal institutional framework...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: World

This report chronicles in outline form a half century of UN activity on housing rights. It provides a comprehensive overview of how, when and by what method this international organization has...

Content Type: Resource
Date: Feb 2014
Location: Thailand

This website presents responsibilities of Ministry of Social Development and Human Security

Content Type: Resource

This resource looks at the ways in which private sectors can contribute to disaster prevention and response while focusing on the cooperation as the key factor in achieving the set goals.

Content Type: Resource

This resource provides a framework for action aimed at national policymakers in OECD countries to help them ensure new and existing infrastructure is resilient to climate change.
