Partnership: UNHCR Programme Management

As UNHCR continues to work towards such improvements, this Handbook is designed to explain to UNHCR's implementing partners, particularly new partners, the basic roles, responsibilities and details of UNHCR's programme management system. A first draft of the Handbook was circulated to numerous implementing partners in May 1994, and many of their comments have been incorporated into the current version. As further comments are received, or as policy adjustments are agreed upon, updated versions will be issued. Any additional comments or suggestions for improvement are, of course, most welcome.

The contents of this Handbook thus outline the requirements, procedures and documentation necessary to ensure an effective working relationship with UNHCR so as to permit protection and assistance to be delivered in the right way, at the right place and at the right time. The text provides information and guidance to help implementing partners understand how we can work together to meet the needs of refugees more effectively and efficiently. It should be noted that throughout this Handbook, the term "refugees" is used - however it is understood that the policies and procedures described herein apply equally to refugees, returnees, internally displaced and other persons of concern, whether they are in refugee camps, returnee communities or elsewhere. Indeed, the dynamics of today's mass population displacements require an approach which is both comprehensive and integrated: comprehensive in the sense of dealing with the sequence of events and actions from prevention to emergency response to solutions, and integrated in the sense of bringing together the entire spectrum of issues and actors. It is hoped that this Handbook will assist in further strengthening constructive partnerships so that these objectives may more easily be achieved.