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Your search for humanitarian information unit resulted in 15 hits.
Content Type: Resource

Effective information management underpins the work of OCHA, particularly its coordination andadvocacy functions. For example, strategic and operational decision making and prioritizationrequire...

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Detailed guidance on the cluster approach is provided in the IASC Guidance Note on Using the ClusterApproach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response, 24 November 2006. The IASC Generic Terms of...

Content Type: Resource

Bulletin d'Information Humanitaire - Province de Maniema N° 06/13, 02 avril 2013. Faits saillants; Punia : Plus de 32 000 personnes seront assistées en articles ménagers essentiels dans le cadre...

Content Type: Resource

A description of current humanitarian events and trends in country. The bulletin also provides information on the humanitarian response in affected areas and highlights potential gaps.

Content Type: Resource

For the first time in history, half of humanity lives in towns and cities. However, of this three billion people, one billion have little to celebrate. Imagine raising your family in an...

Content Type: Resource

The report imagines how a world of increasingly informed, connected and self reliant communities will affect the delivery of humanitarian aid. Its conclusions suggest a fundamental shift in power...

Content Type: Resource

This book provides information on selecting, specifying, procuring, using, and distributing timber and bamboo as construction materials for small and medium-sized buildings in humanitarian...

Content Type: Resource

This document can also be found on the official website of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) at:

Content Type: Resource

This document was originally published on official website of the Feinstein International Center, Tufts University at:

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This snapshot gives a map and information concerning displaced Cote d'Ivoire people.
