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Your search for fors resulted in 99 hits.
Content Type: Resource

A set of principles to guide the collaboration between humanitarian actors and the private sector.

Content Type: Resource

The Guidelines for Environmental Emergencies are intended as a reference guide for countries
wanting to improve their framework for preparedness in the event of an environmental

Content Type: Resource

Effective information management underpins the work of OCHA, particularly its coordination andadvocacy functions. For example, strategic and operational decision making and prioritizationrequire...

Content Type: Resource

This report outlines the Consolidation Appeal for Somalia 2006. Somalia is experiencing the consequences of the worst drought in over ten years. Although the drought has affected a number of...

Content Type: Resource

This publication is intended for all officials and technicians who are responsible for planning and executing post-disaster shelter programmes: government planners, administrators and programme...

Content Type: Resource

The bar charts show the degree of exposure to natural hazards and the percentage of area affected (per country). Tsunami and storm suges are a threat to coastal regions, particularly gulfs, bays,...

Content Type: Resource

This report outlines the Consolidation Appeal for Guinea 2006. As a result of civil wars in the Mano River Union (MRU) countries, Guinea has hosted nearly one million refugees from Sierra Leone...

Content Type: Resource

These codes provide a systematic means of linking and exchanging data and analysing relationships between them.

Content Type: Resource

Reflects the needs of the population in Pakistan, 6 months after the flooding, with a review of the humanitarian clusters operations.

Content Type: Resource

This Manual and the companion set of Guidelines provide a structured, easy-to-follow approach to humanitarian negotiations with armed groups. The publications fill a need which has long been...
